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Calendula Lavender Cream

~You can buy this on my Etsy!~

We all get aches and pains now and again. Some times more often than others. One thing I like to keep in my herbal medicine chest is my handmade Calendula Lavender Cream. It works wonders for acne, cuts and scrapes, dry skin, rashes, and any other ailment of the skin. Calendula is renowned for its skin benefits including its ability to quickly heal minor skin abrasions, such as sunburns and bug bites and the aforementioned conditions. Lavender is also a miracle herb. It is a must-have in any apothecary and works well in this recipe for its ability to speed the healing process, banish any blemish, and take away pain.

This is a fairly easy to make cream and it only took me about two days collectively.

You will need:

* 1 part dried lavender buds

* 2 parts dried calendula petals

* 15-20 drops of the essential oil of your choice (I used lavender)

* Beeswax (I don't have a measurement for this one, you'll just have to YOLO it)

* About a cup Grapeseed oil (or whichever oil suites you)

* A mason jar

* A smaller mason jar (or tin)

* A crockpot (optional)

* Pot and heatproof bowl or double boiler

* Blender (optional)


There are two methods that you can use. There is the fast way and the slow way. I opted for the fast way since I'm impatient but the slow way is probably more effective. Do whichever tickles your fancy.

Fast Method:

1) Combine dried herbs in crockpot and cover in oil

2) Let sit on warm (or lowest setting) between 4 and 24 hours. Really it just depends on how strong you want it. I let mine sit 24 hours and then turned the crockpot off and let it sit another 24 hours

3) Strain oil into Mason jar making sure no particles make it into the oil (although it wouldn't hurt if they get in there)

4) Put water into a pot and allow to boil (or get out your trusty double boiler and do ya thing. I have no idea how those work)

5) Grab your heatproof bowl and place in the boiling water

6) Turn heat down to simmer

7) Add half of your Calendula Lavender infused oil to bowl along with beeswax

8) Allow beeswax to melt, stirring occasionally to help it along

9) Once beeswax is completely melted remove bowl from heat

10) Add in 15-20 drops of the essential oil of your choice

11) Stir for 1-2 minutes to make sure it's really incorporated


I find that placing your mixture into a blender and adding a little room temperature water will cause it to be more cream-like, so if that's what you're going for then have at it. Looking back i wish I hadn't done this but it's totally up to you and whatever consistency you want!

*Pour 2 cups boiling water into blender and allow to sit 2-10 minutes

* Dump out water and pour in your oil-beeswax mixture

* Slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, begin to blend

* Gradually add room temperature water until it is the desired consistency

* Occasionally remove lid and wipe cream off the sides so it all gets blended in


12) Grab your smaller mason jar or tin and pour in

13) Allow to sit in refrigerator or on counter until it has solidified

14) Label and you're done!

Slow Method

1) Combine dried herbs in a mason jar and cover in oil

2) Cap and shake well

3) Place in sunny window for 4-6 weeks, shaking every day

4) Strain oil into Mason jar making sure no particles make it into the oil (although it wouldn't hurt if they get in there)

5) Put water into a pot and allow to boil (or get out your trusty double boiler and do ya thing. I have no idea how those work)

6) Grab your heatproof bowl and place in the boiling water

7) Turn heat down to simmer

8) Add half of your Calendula Lavender infused oil to bowl along with beeswax

9) Allow beeswax to melt, stirring occasionally to help it along

10) Once beeswax is completely melted remove bowl from heat

11) Add in 15-20 drops of the essential oil of your choice

12) Stir for 1-2 minutes to make sure it's really incorporated


I find that placing your mixture into a blender and adding a little room temperature water will cause it to be more cream-like, so if that's what you're going for then have at it. Looking back i wish I hadn't done this but it's totally up to you and whatever consistency you want!

* Pour 2 cups boiling water into blender and allow to sit 2-10 minutes

* Dump out water and pour in your oil-beeswax mixture

* Slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, begin to blend

* Gradually add room temperature water until it is the desired consistency

* Occasionally remove lid and wipe cream off the sides so it all gets blended in


13) Grab your smaller mason jar or tin and pour in

14) Allow to sit in refrigerator or on counter until it has solidified

15) Label and you're done!

Use this cream whenever you have a painful sunburn, chapped winter skin, a scrape, or some stubborn acne to clear up! This can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

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